
New job 1

Arrya woke up early with nervousness. she just don't know why she felt that way,she has work in a restaurant before or maybe she's still scared of another big shot to come molest her. she check her time it was still 6:25am, she came out of her room and went to the kitchen to drink some milk... maybe she should talk to her mom about her nervousness, thats the only person she can talk to since her bestfriend Camila died in a car accident, she have never made a friend, who will want to make friend with a poor girl like her,she could remember how a guy "Kevin" approached her on the day of her friend death,he's one of those rich kids he claims she's beautiful with her blue sea eyes her beautiful lips.

she can't deny she didnt fall for it, she did because no girl will be appreciated like that and won't fall for it but his girlfriend over heard them and after they exchange number and he left she

approached her

"Whooo... .ook see who wants to be a rich guy girlfriend, you this poor goldigger ragg stay away from my boyfriend Arrya with your slut looking eyes". Klein said with a furious glare Before she could reply she heard a voice from her back

"And if she did not..what will you do huh?..."Camila said and drag Arrya to her back..

"Well Camila don't put yourself in something you will regret later this is between me and your slut of a friend Arrya." Klein said rolling her hair smiling

Immediately the words came out of her mouth she receive a big hot slap from Camila.

"OMG!!Camila..W... why ?" Arrya asked with scary eyes and shaky voice..

“She called you a slut Arrya, nobody have the right to bully my best friend except me" Camila said glaring at Klein.

"How dare you Camila, you dare raised you poor filthy hands on me did you slut”...


Camila slapped Klein again with more force this time, making her lips to cut at the side.

“I dare you to call us slut again. then you will receive the beaten of your life slut.” Camilla said with anger

“C..Camila please stop… let get out of here people are watching” Arrya was so scared that she dragged her friend away.

Klein was shocked, surprised and angry

“Klein..let's go” One of her friend offers as other student have start to gather at the scene.

Klein look at Camila before smiling...

" you will pay for this Camila..I promise you, I will make sure it’s the last time you have the opportunity to raise your hand on me again” she said and left.

Arrya was so scared for Camila that she began to sweat.

“Camila her dad is an underground big shot Camila. I'm scared he might try to either kill us or bring gangster to rape us or…

“Don't be a scared cat Arrya she can't do anything...are you done with lectures for the day?”

Camila asked her best friend...

“No I am not interested anymore.” Arrya said still sweating.

“OK… hey look at me, don't be scared alright she won't do anything” Camila said as she try to calm her friend down.

She was still talking when her phone rang and she picked

“Hello.” She responded

“Is this miss Camila Johnson?” A female voice asked

“Yes, I am” she replied.

“OK. your brother was involve in an accident he's been rushed to the city hospital and your number was the only number in his mobile phone that’s why I called, your presence is needed please.” The voice said for Camila to gasp.

“Omg!.. I will be there…. on my way” Camila said and hung up immediately.

“Camila is everything alright?” Arrya asked looking at her friend whose expression just changed to a confuse one.

“No Arrya, Michael was involve in an accident. I need to go alright. make sure you have a nap.. OK.” Camila said in hurry and left.

Arrya was in a dazed how can she have a nap when her best friend brother was admitted.

immediately she took her books to her dorm room and Fling it on her bed before rushing after

Camila. when she came out of the school gate she saw people gathered at a scene but that was not

her problem, she walked fast to get a taxi but when she caught a glimpse of the person on the ground, she frown..

“Camila” she whisper…

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