
Chapter 4 Substitute Wife

Zaniyah Point of view

I flinched in response to his abrupt statement.

I saw his nude body and a white bandage wrapped around his abdomen. He was just wearing some sort of black trousers. I could see his biceps and chest rather plainly. Although the blood was no longer visible, there were still remnants of crimson water oozing from his torso. I'm not sure how he received that wound. I was hesitant to ask him any other questions, knowing well that he would not respond. Perhaps he'll say bad things to me again.

When I returned his gaze and took a few steps back, I saw he was peering at the picture frame I had shattered. My fist was clenched and I bit the bottom of my lip to avert a fight.

"What brought you out of your room?" As I predicted, his voice remained emotionless whenever he talked to me.

I raised my eyes as I clung to the clasp of my palm, unable to let go of the tears that were going to flow. Yet, despite my inability to contain my emotions, he asked again.

"Do you expect you'll find anything in my room if you sneak in here-"

"The picture frame. Did you bring me here because I resemble that woman?" I drew attention to the damaged picture frame and felt huge drops of tears fall down my cheek.

"How many times must I tell this to you, Zaniyah?  Ask no pointless questions."

"Then tell me! Why did you imprison me here? It felt as if there was an invisible chain around my neck, and I had no idea how to remove it, because I don't know how I got it in the first place! Why don't you just let the debt collectors deal with me?!" My voice boomed out, and I came dangerously close to having a blockage in my throat.

"So you'd rather other men have your body than you remain by my side?" he grinning madly.

I was dumbfounded.

"See? You can't answer because you know within yourself that without me, you don't mean any damn thing."

"So, the purpose of my survival is now to serve as your slave in this house?"



When I smacked him hard, he was unable to complete what he was going to say. My hand is numb as a result of what I did to him. His face was turned to the left and he remained motionless.

"You are more heinous than a flaming devil." My teeth were gritted.

"Say anything you want. You may call me by whatever name you like. Regrettably, when I order you to open your legs, you will obey."

"Are you insane, Ambrose?  Can you still hear yourself? You can't even explain why you locked me here, and now you want me to serve you just because of your fucking horny dick!?"

When his stare returned to me, I could see how his black eyes probed my soul, as if he were reading me, despite the darkness of the room. He recovered his calm and took a step closer to me.

He seized my waist in an instant, pressed his lips on my ear, and bit it. His hot breath brushed across my face and slid to my nape.

"Are you really interested in learning why I brought you here?" I felt dizzy every time he uttered a word.

I pushed his body away from mine as much as I could. "Nevermind."

I was going to walk out the door when he abruptly grabbed my arm and dragged me across the bed sideways. I was taken aback by what he had done, and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I would have glanced at him, but I couldn't when he grip me any closer than he already was.

Thanks to the fact that he wouldn't let go of my waist and had my legs locked to his, I can't face him. My throat became dry and I could not bear what he did.

"W-What are you up to?" I wonder. Because of the rapidity with which my heart pounded, I couldn't keep my stuttering to a minimum.

"Liliana Huxley."


"That was the name of my late wife."

I couldn't respond to anything he said.

When he saw I was not going to respond, he went on.

"She passed away as a result of her disease." He hid his face behind me the whole time. "I was at a loss for what to do when I saw her frozen body.  I have a lot of money but I was not able to save her. That damn cancer stole my wife's life," he lamented.

As I sensed the presence of hot water behind me, my body became chilled. It was as if I had become paralyzed simply by listening to his account. Even if I wanted to open my mouth, I couldn't.

"When I saw your face on television, it was as if my sleeping existence had sprung to life again. Because you look so much like my wife, I first assumed you were her. Your laughter and smile are similar to Liliana's."

"So, you brought me here because you see your wife in my face?" There was a chisel in my chest that pierced through my rib cage. Who would have guessed that my first love would turn me to be his second choice?

"It's not my fault in the least. It's all because of your face."

I was completely unaware that tears were already flowing down my face. What was his justification for his blunders?

"Zaniyah, I will help your family get up in their business again as long as you promise me that you will not leave my side. Please, stay with me. Take on the persona of Liliana. Prove to me that she is still here, and give me the illusion that she has not abandoned me."

With each phrase he spoke, my chest clenched a little more.

"When you saw me on Television, did the only thing you really see in me was Liliana, your wife and not Zaniyah Moore who was your childhood friend?"

If I had believed that nothing could be more painful than what he had spoken before, I would not have imagined that his refusal to give me my expected answer would have driven a knife further into my chest.

"It's always been Liliana, Zaniyah. I only take you here because I want you to be her substitute. I want you to be my substitute wife."

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