


I pick up the fork and bring it close to my mouth only to place it back on the plate. I wasn’t interested in the food, plus I haven’t been eating much ever since the incident—the incident I didn’t want to go back to. I have tried to conceal that part of me from everyone.

I lift my eyes off the plate to land on her, her eyes running over her dress. I heard her mutter ‘thank you’ to Servant Rose even though I had explicitly asked her not to speak to anyone without my permission. I had my reason. I was going to reprimand her again, but I choose not to.

She shivered a little more and settled on the chair, her eyes glued to the table as though she was scared to look my way as if I was some monster, which I liked. I wanted her to fear me because I needed that leash on her to control her.

“We have a meeting in thirty minutes,” I informed her, my eyes now on my plate. “Dish some food for her,” I order no one in particular, and one of the maids stepped forward to carry it out, t
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