


I'm a queen's Protector and good at the job. I've served my purpose till Queen Anya died. It's time for Aurora to take her place as Queen however, she left the pack five years ago and I'm yet to tell her the truth about her identity.

Times have been dark at the royal clan and there is an uprising, some members want to put another Queen, Mateia, she is ruthless and will want a war with the werewolves. 

Jasper, a friend of mine walks into the office, beaming;

" Aurora Wulfric is in Canada, doing a run-walk. I think it's time to tell her everything," He advises. I haven't seen her in over five years and even though I miss her, I felt so guilty to look her in the eyes and tell her that the reason she didn't get her wolf early was that she was half vampire. I saw her cry and be bullied for not having a wolf. People called her a freak because she had powers but it wasn't the right time to tell her.

I look at recent pictures of her, she has grown to be an attractive woman. Her golden skin is flawless and her green eyes make it impossible to look away from her. 

" I don't know, man, all this will be too much for her," I mumble. Jasper gives me a what fuck look. 

" The Clan Elders are tired of waiting and they will choose Mateia as Queen if she does come back home to take her place," He brutally reminds me.  

The clan Elders are the oldest and strongest members of the Clan, they are seven, and each leads a group of vampires but they answer to a Queen. 

" You are right, I need to tell her the truth about who she is." I get up from my seat but he has a look of confusion on his face. 

" Jas, what is it?" 

" I did some investigation and learned that she is involved with some dangerous people and she changes her identity in every city she goes to," 

I was aware that Aurora was into something shady, and I tried to talk to her about it over the phone but she only shut me out. Frowning, I leave the office to the private hangar. I was nervous to see her but it had to be done.

A few hours later, we arrive in Canada and head straight to her show. As the show starts, I feel uncomfortable, seeing that all the women are walking in Lingeries. Aurora walks out and my breath gets caught in my chest, she's easily the most beautiful woman in the world and she is walking with grace and confidence, the camera and people all adore her.

" Damn, she's hot as fuck," Jasper hisses in my ear, gripping his chair tightly and a sting of possessiveness comes over me. 

What is this feeling I'm experiencing? I clear my head as the softness of her lips invades my head. 

An hour later, the show comes to an end and we go to the hotel she's staying at. Puffing in and out of my lungs, I knock. However, there is no answer and I see a manager. 

" Jasper we need a card," I say, 

" Allow me, I'm quite famished and can use a snack," I grip his jacket, warning him with my eyes not to do anything stupid. Jasper is a new vampire so he can't contain his appetite for now. 

" Fine, I'll just flirt, you're no fun," He growls, walking away. I move closer to the railing as I wait for Jasper. He's back a few minutes later smiling. I get the card from his hand and open the door. 

The suit smells of booze and weed, we look for her but don't find her. 


I go to the balcony, answering the call when I hear noises from the bedroom, I rush there and find Jasper, pinned against the wall, Aurora putting a gun at his head. 

" Aurora," I whisper. 

She turns to look at me, still holding Jasper in a tight grip

" Damon, what are you doing here?" She stutters, 

“Can you let go now, please? am with him,” Jasper groans. 

“Oh, sorry “ The princess mutters and gets off him. A smile appears on her lips and tears dance in her eyes, I open my arms for her, and she runs into them. I hold her tightly for a few minutes as she is refusing to part. 

After exchanging pleasantries, we go to the living area where we sit. 

" So what made you come, did you miss me that much?" She smiles beautifully. For a second, my gaze is fixed on her. Mesmerized by her overwhelming beauty. Jasper nudges me and I tear my gaze from the princess. 

" I have something to tell you," I start. Her smile disappears at the seriousness in my tone and she nods me to go ahead. 

" Aurora, your parents kept a huge secret from you," Her eyes twitch and I continue 

" Your  biological mom was the vampire Queen," Her facial expression morphs into a shock, 

" You're kidding right?" I shake my head negatively. " I... It can't be true. I know my mother," 

" Aurora, the woman who raised you was your stepmother, your father's mate. Your memories were erased at the age of seven when the vampire clan was attacked by an evil witch who wanted your powers,"

I tell her everything about her hierarchy, how her powers were blocked by the good witch so that the evil one doesn't sense her and she's crying for good now. 

" Your father happen to be hunting in the forest when she met Queen Anya, they fell madly in love but their love was forbidden so they kept it a secret. You were a product of their forbidden passion and your mom raised you with love," She smiles through her tears. 

" Queen Anya and your father continued their relationship and rejected many suitors for him, but when your father found his mate, he didn't do the same. Bitter, she completely cut ties with the alpha and forbade him from the clan even to see you.  Alpha Jeff was persistent to see you and she finally agreed,"

" Tell me more, I want to know what happened," 

" Well, one day, a witch joined forces with a high-ranking elder your mom rejected and attacked the castle, both had different agendas and the only way to save you from them was to give you to your father and lived as a member of the pack, it happened but you used to cry a lot and wanting to back home so, a witch, Sharon, erased your memories of the vampire clan," I conclude, it felt good telling her all that. 

" What about the Quee, Um, my... my mother,"  I hesitate, not knowing how to tell her that she died in battle to protect her. Tears roll down her face, knowing what happened, and my heart clenched.

“Why didn’t dad tell me anything? We were so close,” she croaks.

“He was protecting you, the clan wasn't safe but it is now, thanks to your mother's great sacrifice, the evil witch is in more like a coma

as she couldn't be killed because of a portion she used. 

" Where's the witch?" I ask

" Someone stole her body," 

She nods and keeps quiet.

“Anya,” she whispers her mother's name with a soft smile on her lips.

For the next three days, I continued to educate her about the clans and tell her more about her powers. Once she shifts into her wolf form, they will unlock, for now, she can only access them when she's very emotional or angry. 

" Wait, wait, I have a dragon?" She asks in shock. I smile and nod positively. About a century ago, the queen rescued a dragon clan from dark vultures, and her good deeds were repaid by the dragon gods, they blessed her bloodline with the dragon, so when a royal was pregnant, a dragon egg was found. 

"  Yes, the dragon egg appeared even before your mother knew she was pregnant but since your abilities are locked away, for now, it won't be able to recognize you and can't tame it hence we shall wait till you get to your full potential before unlocking it from its lair," 

I explain and show her pictures of her sleeping dragon. The princess smile; " She's pretty," She whispers. 

While Aurora continued to work for this organization called Kill before her contract was terminated, I kept in touch all while preparing the clan for the arrival of their princess. Most of them were happy but some were angry that a hybrid will be queen instead of a full vampire. Mateia had already started to get people on her side but all her attempts were futile. She was unnumbered and Princess Aurora had the birthright and the blessed blood on her side so, for now, she stopped.

My romantic feelings were escalating especially now that we talked every day but she was to be my Queen, so I shoved my feelings aside. She will need to find her mate to shift into her wolf. 

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