


Today my father will die a new era will start. My era will start. Although it started way back today, he dies and officially I become the owner.

We do not need his sign or stamp anymore. My reign will start.

The whole family has been called to the oldest mansion of the Decardo family. We are back in our homeland Greece. Although we are scattered around the world. The head has the power to summon them.

Not only I oikogéneiá mou but the ones dealing with us, working with us will be here too. To mourn his death and to celebrate my ascending. (my family)

Our family is not ordinary. Caught in the web of lies and deceives; Such in our family. No one appears to be as he is. Each one of them wears masks and for the world, they put on a show.

Everyone will be here for their benefit. Putting up with facades. Yearning for their evil desires to come true. It is up to tome to find the loyal between the deserters.

The Decardo family has the biggest chain of clubhouses and beverages in the whole country. Our dirty work of drug dealing is hidden behind all this. During the day our clubs are heavens and in the darkness of the night devil’s work. The place becomes a living hell. A pit of trafficking.

Everyone will know that from this night I am their master. Word spreads like fire in our circles. From now on the crime lords will bow before me. Everyone wants a piece of this luxury. So, they will try to get in my good books.

My theíos has been the one to handle it in the last five years. Since that day…. When this dying man became invalid…..When I did my first murder. When she left…….. (uncle)

My theíos will step down from his temporary role today. No one will be able to question me. The lives of many people will depend on my one word.

My father has seen his boom so now it's my time.

The Decardo's family name will thrive undermine. Our line will now continue by my name.

I entered my father’s room. How pale he looks as now death is there to take him. How frail is his body that once stood like a rock! A deep tremble seems to have seemed to be settled in his hands. He is now just a ghost of that ruthless killer he was five years ago.

He stopped talking after that night. He hasn’t spoken a word since that night. He hasn’t left his mansion since.

I have no sympathy for him. He has been a cruel father. Talking a rod to me at age of five when I couldn't shoot straight to the day, he asked me to leave her. The day when he destroyed her giving her a reason to escape from me. He has always used my weakness to keep me in line.

He has been a cruel bástardos. It is a very dramatic scene for me. I already knew this day would come. He had to die. I was waiting when him will. (bastard)

That night a bullet stroked close to his heart. He has just woken up from the coma a few days ago. But doctors have already told us that he was a lost cause. They were surprised that he lived that long. But such things they could not put on their lips. Such things would have cost them their lives.

But he does not have more time now. From today my rule begins. my glykós, panemorfi poulí who once flew has to come back. She can no longer stay hidden. More than my father's death, I am concerned about her. What will become of her now? just this thought bought a devilish smile on my face. (sweet beautiful bird)

Is she even aware that she will face a terrible fate? I will cut her wings. I will pluck her Feathers…. one by one…. argá kai argá.  (slowly and slowly) 

I wanted to make her my queen. I would have bandaged her broken heart. But no she chose to flee.

I know where she is hiding. I have known it for a few days now actually. I will crush her for making me seek her. She has seen my worst side too. Now she will get to know me more. From closer.

No one cries around a death bed here. Our family is known to be the strongest. We do not waste tears for someone who is already lost. my grandmother Sousanna stands near his bed. She has her hands at her side. Always elegant. In her black dress, she just looks more dignified and graceful. Despite her old age, she carries herself like a queen.

Lara my stepmom sits beside him clutching his hand. One is supposed to be with his partner while he is taking his last.

My two stepsisters Flora and Caludia are standing on the foot of the bed. Flora seems to be on the verge of a breakdown. Being the youngest meant that she was the apple of his eye. And my athóos adelfí would cry even if a bird got hurt. She has a pure heart. (innocent sister)

But Claudia had a neutral expression. Being the eldest means she has a taste of what a monster he was. She will not speak. She just accesses everything. Her husband Xander stands behind her.

Not daring to say a single word. We all know who rules their world. And he is not the one who does. In my father’s ruling days, he was in the head security team. Now he stands here because my sister chose her. It’s very strange to think that she married someone like him.

But then again in this family, there are doors behind doors. Deserted ones too. That remains unopened now.

Another member is in the family room. o theíos mou Thanos, a hidden man, but knows how to rule. He stands quiet. He was my father’s forever companion. His silence is striking. It’s like he does not have a word to say to him or maybe he refuses to accept him now. He has a calm demeanor. I have never seen him lose his temper. He is my mentor.

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