
3|Beloved Ones

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to brace myself. "Okay, Mom. I'll be there soon," I consoled.

"What do you mean, the distance between where you live and our city... are you on your way here?" she asked once she understood what I meant.

"Yes, Mom." Thankfully, I did the right thing by visiting them.

Arriving at the hospital, I headed for the emergency room. Seeing that Mom wasn't there, I looked at my phone and found a new message from her. Dad was taken to the ICU. I rushed to meet her there. I was worried for my dad, causing my heart to beat rapidly.

"Camari!" called Mom frantically.

I approached her and let her hug me tightly. "What happened, Mom?"

"The doctor said your dad had a heart attack. They've managed to help, but the critical period hasn't passed. He needs surgery immediately." She released her embrace and then looked at me with wet eyes. "Camari, the cost is huge."

"What about insurance? Don't you have one?" I asked.

"Not with this type of surgery. I called the agent. He said they don't cover this surgery. You'd better call Farrell so he can help us," Mom urged.

What surgery did Dad need that wasn't covered by health insurance? I was so angry. That insurance agent I knew well. He was so persistent in offering his product. Why would he throw up his hands when my parents needed him?

"What about the jewelry? We can sell it quickly." I glanced at my watch. "Damn. The store is closed. Um. Did the doctor mention when the surgery needs to be scheduled at the earliest?"

"As soon as possible. His condition is declining if not treated immediately," she sobbed.

"Wait here. I'll talk to the nurse."

I went to the administration and talked about the cost of Dad's surgery. I swallowed hard at the amount needed for it. I gave her my credit card. Fortunately, I carried it with me.

"Sorry, ma'am. Is there another card? This one is blocked by the bank." The woman handed back the black card I'd given her earlier.

"That's impossible." I frowned. "My husband is—"

What a jerk! Did Farrell order the bank to block this card? I presented another card, but the result was the same. My whole body was shaking with rage. That money wasn’t only his but also mine as his legal wife.

My savings were sufficient, but he blocked my debit card, too. I had jewelry, but it was all useless. I couldn't ask the servants to sell them. Borrowing money from friends was the last resort. However, how did I convince them? Would they believe Farrell Haworth's wife needed money?

My cell phone vibrated, and I took a deep breath. I knew who was calling. After I calmed down, I pulled out my phone and saw Farrell's name on the screen.

"I know your family is your weakness," he said arrogantly. "You don't have any advantages against me, Camari. What happened to your father is just a small example."

I bit my trembling lip. It was so easy for him to play with other people's lives. Not a stranger he met on the street but his father-in-law.

"It's so low, Farrell, even for you. I thought too highly of you all this time. It turns out you're not an honorable person as the name you bear,” I snapped.

"Watch your mouth! I won't stand still when anyone insults me, and you're no exception," he growled. "My patience is running out. You want your father to be safe? Sign the divorce papers, and I'll pay for his surgery and write off his debts."

Someone approached on my left. I turned and saw a man standing, holding an open folder. I read the letterhead on the paper. Divorce agreement. I snorted. So, he sent people to follow me while carrying this document. Crazy.

Alright. I didn't need a cold-hearted husband like him. He wanted to marry his first love. Fine. I didn't want to suffer any longer, either. Why would I keep a husband who hates me in this marriage? I'd heard enough of his insults.

"I've sent the surgery f*e. I'll settle your father's debt if you come to the courthouse on Monday. Don't let me down again." He ended the call without waiting for my response.

I had more important things to do, so I hurried to accompany Mom to the waiting room. The medics were taking my father to the operating room, and we could only walk him to the door. Mom and I waited not far from the room.

A few hours later, I felt hungry. Realizing I hadn't eaten dinner, I went to the hospital cafeteria and brought two portions of food to the waiting room. I forced Mom to eat even though we both had no appetite.

I sat by Mom's side after throwing away our food boxes. "Dad is very healthy. Is there a problem that made him have a sudden heart attack?" I asked carefully, not wanting to add to her sadness.

"It was ...." Mom squeezed her hand.

I held her hand. "Did you borrow money from Haworth Finance?" Seeing her silence, I smiled. "Mom, I won't be mad. I'm just ensuring the news I heard is true."

She nodded slowly. "Your father borrowed money from Farrell. The company had problems. So, he couldn't pay the installments for the past few months."

Why did Farrell do that? He could give a few million to help Dad's company's financial condition. It was a small amount for him. Mom didn't mention the amount, so I didn't ask.

A few months of non-payment, how could it be fifty million dollars? Dad's company was small, not as grand as Haworth Incorporation. Why would my dad's loan be that big? What did Farrell do to get his loan approved?

"When you talk about jewelry, I've got nothing but this wedding ring." Mom looked at her hands.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked sadly. "I could have helped look at the financial statements to resolve the difficulty."

"I told your father that, but he refused. He didn't want to trouble you." Mom smiled faintly. "I'm at ease now that you know."

"Can I see the company's financial statements for the past few months? I'll help you cut down on unnecessary expenses to help pay off Dad's debt." I offered to help.

"You can do that?" Mom looked at me expectantly.

I nodded quickly. "I'll be here over the weekend."

The doctor exited the operating room and told us the surgery went well. They succeeded in solving the problem in Dad's heart, and his blood circulation was perfectly flowing. Mom and I both breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the critical period was over.

I went home to get some clean clothes while Mom watched Dad. I looked at the house and how clean it was. I smiled when I smelled the aroma of baking. I approached the kitchen and saw a cake on the kitchen counter. Mom must have left in a hurry after getting the news about Dad's condition.

After cleaning myself up and changing my clothes, I returned to the hospital. Mom was asleep on the couch, so I tiptoed out and sat in the waiting room. I took a deep breath and didn't fight back as tears fell on my cheeks. Gosh. I was pathetic.

It was the last time. I wouldn't cry anymore for the husband who had thrown me away. At least I wouldn't be living on the street. I had a job that could support my living expenses. I didn't know where I would live yet, but I would look for a cheap place near the office.

"Camari." I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Wake up, Camari."

Recognizing Mom's voice, I opened my eyes. I looked around and found myself lying on a couch with a blanket covering my body. I rubbed my eyes, then sat up.

"Yes, Mom? What time is it?" I glanced at my watch.

"Your dad is awake." She smiled happily.

I stood and hurried to follow her into the room. Dad was still lying down, but his eyes were open. He smiled weakly at me. My eyes heated up seeing him awake. I rushed over and held his hand. I remembered I couldn’t hug him. Thankfully, he was safe.

"Did your mom report my condition to you, Cupcake?" Dad stroked my hand with his thumb.

"Don't do this again, Dad. You have to love your body so you can take care of us longer," I protested. "I told you, exercise regularly. Don't just sit on your throne."

"I'm fine. My body is just like an old car. Occasional problems are normal." He defended himself.

"Ah, James' favorite daughter is here. He'll be fine soon," said someone entering the room.

"Hi, Doctor Darwin." I smiled at the doctor I had known since childhood.

He stood beside me. "It's good to have you here. Your father needs a rebuke from you." Doctor Darwin glanced at my dad. "He needs to be careful as this is not his first attack. The operation is only an aid. His lifespan will be determined by his lifestyle going forward."

"Not the first attack?" I said in surprise.

"Given his age and poor lifestyle habits, it's unsurprising," he taunted. "He can live a long life if he gets regular rest, eats nutritious food, gets enough exercise, and stays away from stress. I trust him to you."

"What about me?" asked Mom. She looked offended at being ignored. "Don't you want to entrust him to me?"

"Cara, it's happened when he's with you." Doctor Darwin raised both eyebrows playfully. "I don't mean to blame you, but James is only afraid of his daughter." We laughed at that.

I kept my promise by checking the financial statements of Dad's company. My hatred for Farrell built up, knowing the terrible things he'd done to the company. However, I waited until Dad was better to discuss the state of it.

On Monday, I arrived at the court a few minutes before ten. Shamelessly, Farrell came with Bella. My heart ached at the sight, but I tried to act nonchalant.

The judge asked for a maximum of two months to examine all the files we submitted until the divorce was deemed legal. I took a deep breath. Unfortunately, I couldn't escape my status as his wife sooner.

"You need to leave my house immediately," Farrell stated. He blocked my path as I exited the courtroom.

"I know. I don’t want to stay there any longer either." I tried to get past him, but it was his woman's turn to block my way.

"Says the one who set up the bedroom to flirt with another woman's lover," Bella taunted.

I clenched my fists. So, Farrell saw the condition of the room I'd prepared for his return that night. What else had he told her about our marriage?

They flaunted their relationship shamelessly, but I couldn't use their affair as a weapon. Farrell and I signed a prenuptial agreement that prevented me from touching his wealth.

"I'm disappointed in you, Farrell." I looked at him with concern.

"I'm more disappointed in you," he retorted.

"Your problem is with me, not my dad. I don't know what crime you're referring to, but I'll never forgive you for involving him in our affairs. I won't take kindly to either of you anymore." I glanced at Bella before staring at Farrell again.

"I gave up many things for you, but this is your response. We'll see. You won't be happy. Keep this in your mind. I won't return to you even if you kneel at my feet," I stated.

Bella's laughter erupted. "What did you say?" she said between laughs. "Farrell will never meet you, let alone kneel at your feet. Stop dreaming. You're a nobody. Three years of being his wife doesn't give you any privileges."

"Oh, yeah?" I smirked. "You want to bet? Farrell will come crawling to me before you celebrate your first wedding anniversary, asking me to return to him." I glanced at the man I was referring to. “Don't bother when that day comes. I won't take you back."

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