
Enchanted Hearts: Fated to the Alpha of Curses
Enchanted Hearts: Fated to the Alpha of Curses
Author: Marvy

You belong with me

The night wasn't pleasant, as the other nights as everyone went to bed early again for the fear of being attacked or seen by the ones who cause fear. They all dreaded an unfortunate encounter with the creatures of the night who causes nothing but fear and panic.

There was no one moving around or outside their houses even though it was still the early hours of 8 pm, except Bethany who sat by the door outside the comfort of her house.

She folded her legs to her chest and her head resting on her knees, sobbing quietly. The cold breeze resting on her skin caused her to shiver, but that was the least of her concern as all she could think of was her baby, inside the locked house.

The man of her dreams had suddenly become the man of her worst nightmare after she gave birth to her baby. He suddenly became a different person.

Before they got married, a lot of people warned her against marrying him but, she went ahead with the marriage. Her husband had a dark side that she had never prayed to witness. He was a master of manipulation and emotional abuse, making her suffer in ways she never thought possible.

From belittling her in public to controlling her finances. Every day was filled with a new challenge. He even went as far as to threaten her with physical violence. No matter what she did, she was always left feeling broken and defeated.

Her husband had created a living nightmare that she was too powerless to escape. She cried solemnly, her hands and feet were extremely cold.

"You belong to me and there is no one else for you. You can't go anywhere cause I am your only home." He had said to her before her pushed her out, gripping a handful of hair so tight in his palm.

"You do everything I tell you to do and you have no right to say no. I own you. You are mine alone!" His words rang in her head.

Truly, she was nothing but an instrument to him. A toy, probably. Even her child meant nothing to him. Who leaves a woman in the cold, with beasts roaming about in the night?

The Misty mountains, a town known for it existing beasts that takes the human form at day and roam about in the night in a wolf form, looking for humans to rip their hearts. This made the town Heads bring out laws to stop the disappearance and killing of people by the beasts.

The first rule is that no one is permitted to stay out as soon as it is dusk. Then secondly, no one is permitted to see the creatures or even have anything to do with them. And the last rule is that no one is permitted to let go of the beast when they see them.

The third rule is the most impossible rule because those beasts were way more powerful than the humans and would kill them instead.

The beasts always come out from the woods at six pm, until the next morning when the sun is about to rise. This made nights to become the people's nightmare.

Bethany heard the bushes rattled and looked towards the woods. She swallowed as she stood up slowly with her gaze fixed at the woods.

There was someone watching her and she could feel it. The hairs on her skin rose and my heart beat accelerated more than normal.

She tried to see who was watching her but couldn't get a sight of him. That got her more frightened but still, she wasn't running. It might be a beast and she should run away but surprisingly, her legs were rooted to the ground where she stood.

"Who are you? Show your self!" If only she knew where the courage came from, she would have punched hard the king of that place.

Who yell that a monster should show himself when clearly, she wouldn't live to see his face? She was challenging death.

Her heart began to throb fast, waiting for whatever would come out of the woods. She caught a glimpse of one of a pair of crimson red orbs glimmering in the night and she stumbled back allowing a loud gasp escape her lips.

It was staring at her and she could only see his silhouette. A tall man, 6ft maybe, or more. A muscular man. There was no way she would be able to fight the beast.

'Bethany!' She heard a siren voice calling up to her from a distance. She turned and began to run back to the house. "Bethany!" she heard the voice again and this time, it was getting close.

"Bethany!" This time, it was a male voice and it was as if it was just right behind her. So close that she could feel his breath on her neck.

As if being triggered, her legs began to move on it own, running away and going towards the city where more dangers where lurking and calling out for her.

"Please! Please!" She begged with tears almost blinding her eyes. Nothing was helping. No one was coming out no matter how loud she screams. But then, she slipped to the floor and she covered her face, daring not to look at the monster coming for her "Please!!!" she begged out loud as a hand gripped her.


She screamed as he yanked her around to face him.

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