
Chapter 10

In an old apartment in the suburbs, the pervasive smell of disinfectant and strong tobacco in the air made Isabella involuntarily frown. She lightly pressed her index finger to the tip of her nose to barely suppress the discomfort in her stomach.

In the dim light, Isabella saw a young man sitting in a wheelchair, who had a similar appearance to Oliver. Unlike his brother's modest and refined demeanor, the young man was more desolate and gloomy.

The brown medicinal soup spilled all over the floor next to the wheelchair and the almost powdered ceramic shards seemed to silently declare the patient's rage.

Although Oliver had given her a heads-up on the way, Isabella still couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

Oliver took a step forward, gently calling out, "Samuel..."

Hearing the sound, Samuel Arnot across the room slowly raised his head. It was as if a switch had been flipped, his eyes instantly turned blood red. He was like a fierce leopard, staring intently at the visitor. It
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