


On the training ground of DeHaven kingdom, a big circle form by the good numbers of young men in armor could be seen. This young men chant and cheers excitedly over whatever they are watching inside the circle they formed.

Sounds of metals colliding with each other accomplished the loud cheers.

It happens that two soldiers are in a drew, this two fiercely came at each other both of them trying to disarm the his opponent. At a corner another soldier was holding a hat filled with gold coins and precious stones, as he patiently wait for the winner.

After a long time a sword fell to the ground and the young soldier who still had his sword, had the tip pointed at his opponent with a mocking smirk at the corner of his lips.

Disappointing cry and murmur filled the air, for the winning soldier was actually not the one the group of soldiers had their hope on. They were all sad that their money has gone to waste.

“Your highness!"

“Your highness!!"

Someone was desperately calling from a distance, approaching the royal training ground.

Hearing someone faintlessly calling for him the soldier who just lost the match, stood up from the ground and another soldier hurriedly came to help remove his helmet and breastplate.

His long hair tied up in a net ponytail rolled neatly to his back, as he turned to face the approaching young led.

“ Prince Authur ” 

“ hey, Tony, ” gently grabbing the little boy by the shoulder, prince Arthur bent slightly so that he was now of the same eye level with the kid, who's face was as red as tomatoes because of the distance he had to run.“ now tell me what was it that was chasing you.” The soldiers laugh at the prince joke, but the smile on the prince face disappeared on hearing what the boy has to say.

With lightning speed prince Arthur left everything behind as he made his way to the royal haram. 



Soft, heartbreaking whimpers.

Rage surged through Prince Arthur as he realized that those sounds were emanating from his elder sister's bedchambers. 

Not again!!.

Determined and fueled by anger, he stormed down the hall, his footsteps echoed in the empty hall way.

Reaching his door, the prince was consumed by fury and forcefully kicked it open. The scene unfolding before him only intensified his burning anger.

Inside, an old noble man from the near by kingdom lay on his sister with his pants around his ankles, shamelessly indulging in the pleasures of his sister's body, the poor girl could do nothing but cry.

Realizing that he's late prince Arthur's grip around the hilt of his sword tightened as he seethed with the burning desire to protect his sister. 

"Get away from my sister this instant!, you despicable fool!, or I swear to the gods I will have your dick feed to the wolves " he barked, his voice booming with fury.

The temptation to drive his blade into the despicable old fool's body was strong, but young Prince managed to restrain himself.

Lord Ozia’s face twisted with irritation, barely sparing the prince a glance. "Go away, little prince. You're ruining the fun," he sneered dismissively.

Arthur hated that term 'little prince,' but surely not as much as he hated being called a ' sassy prince.' Over the years, the people of DeHaven had given him a lot of names because of how feminine he looked. 

Some said he was fragile-looking, like he might break when under a firm grip, only those who have tasted the furry of his sword thought otherwise. 

“Get away from my sister!” Arthur strode purposefully toward the bed and seized hold of Lord Ozia. He forcefully pushed the old man away from Mirabella.

With a satisfying thud, the old oaf tumbled to the floor, finally separated from his sister's vulnerable body. Mirabella rose from the bed, her face red from crying, her eyes tired and swollen.

Arthur pulled his sister into his arms, hugging her tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Mira." He fought back his tears, before his father and uncle they left Mira and her mother in his care unfortunately he couldn't save the two women, Lady Elizabeth willing become a slut to save her daughter since their only hope never returned from the journey alive.

The old king has refused to die instead he became addicted to opium, turning every lady in the castle into a sex slave to entertain his guess, even his granddaughter was no exception. 

"It was not your fault." The pain in her eyes hurt Arthur more than he cared to admit. That age-old guilt crept down his spine as he pulled back and glanced at his sister.

Mira was always bubbly, always happy, playful, and quite talkative, but not in times like this when her body was violated. 

Mostly then she looked tired, always scared or panicked, weary of the world and always worried about the next aristocrat the king would have her over to.

Lord Ozia rose angrily, "Why the hell would you do that!? I won king fair and square in the card game we played at the gathering last night. The king wagered with her and lost to me! I was supposed to have her for a day at least!"

Hearing his shameless words prince Arthur whirled around to face him, eyes blazing like an hungry flame. "If you put your hands on her again, I swear I would cut off your male organ and gladly walk to the throne room to accept whatever punishment the king issued, but you will be without a manhood."

Seeing that the young man was not just buffing the old man's eyes widened, his hands flew protectively over his crotch. His face reddened in anger, and he looked like he wanted to fly over his own head in rage. But in the end, he simply took his clothes and waltzed out of the princess chamber.

"Oh, Arthur, why did you do that? The king might punish you with the hot whip again." Mira's eyes were filled with worry.

"I do not care!" He yelled he already had enough of that old man's tyranny, just one day he will have his head.

“ Sorry I yelled." He apologized roughing his hair, he's feeling more diverstatedLet than ever, seeing his only family member like this.

“ Anyone there!! " He rang a little bell hanging by the door and immediately footsteps approach the room.

“ Clean up the princess and send her to my chamber!" He instructed the maids before storming out of the room. 

Sometimes, Emeriel wondered if they would live like this if their parents were still alive.

Arthur's tears almost fell but he held it in, this kingdom was cruel ,the only good thing in this land was his sister.

His sister always did everything in her power to protect him even when it made her the sole target. His sister never hated him, but he hated himself for that.

Moments later, Mira had freshed up, now sat at the edge of Arthur's bed as she watched him put on his boots.

“ Are you going hunting?, I will like to tag along.” Mira suddenly jumped out of the bed as if she was injected with chicken blood. 

“ No!, why don't you just take a nap here, you need all the rest you can get." Arthur protested, the he king loved his streaks, and if Lord Ozia was going to rat him out ,he would need all the bribe he could get, Mira tagging along well only slow down his movement.

Mira laid on the bed as her brother tucked her in and she closed her eyes. But she wasn't sleeping, " Arthur"


"Sometimes I wish..." she trailed off, swallowing tightly.

Anyone else would think she'd fallen asleep, but Arthur knew better, "What, Mira?"

"Sometimes I wish I could leave this godforsaken Kingdom." A single tear slipped from her eyes, "Anywhere else is better than here." 

Long after Mira slept, Arthur still sat beside her watching her. Was some other kingdom really better than DeHaven? 

This might be a terrible kingdom with an even more terrible king but according to the rumors, it rained everywhere. Most kingdoms were just as bad. 

He would do anything to give Mira a better life than this, even if it meant leaving DeHaven. 

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