


I looked around the hall, I didn't really want to be here. I hated these auction events, they were just a way to compete over trinkets and end up buying them at ridiculous extravagant prices.

Antonio Parisi was one of our ally families and he was the host of the auction event. I was only here out of obligation.

I looked across, my brother Valerio wasn't even bothering to look friendly. He didn't just hate auction events, he hated all form of social events, he would rather be at home plotting on the best way to kill someone.

My name is Dante Russo and I am the head of the Russo mafia family. My family had been in the mafia for generations. From an early age, I had been trained to lead the mafia.

My brother Valerio had grown up with my grandmother who had been in charge of an assassin guild, my brother had been trained to lead the assassins as well.

Everyone feared me and showed me respect as the head of the Russo family. But they were terrified of Valerio and did all they could to avoid him. Nobody wanted to piss off the head of the Russo assassin guild. Like me he was also here out of obligation to Antonio.

Speaking of the devil, he was headed our way. He sat down at our table.

"If it isn't my favorite brothers. What a surprise to have the Russo brothers at my event." I rolled my eyes at his statement, like he hadn't threatened to close off his trade routes if we didn't come. We could have fought with him and won but it was easier to avoid battles than to fight them. If going to an event would stop a battle, I would gladly go to the damn event.

"Hey Antonio, great party." I replied him. Valerio couldn't be bothered to reply.

"So did you guys hear the latest news?" he leaned in and asked us in a whisper.

"What news?" I asked.

"It's about the De Luca family." he replied.

I frowned, why would I be interested in a minor family like the De Luca's. They had once been a great family but when the present head had entered, he had decided to forego most of their businesses.

"What about the De Luca family?" I asked.

"His second in command did a coup, killed the head and took over. Now, it's the Caruso family now." Antonio replied.

Coups happened in mafia families but it was very rare since no mafia family would lower their guards for anyone to takeover.

"What about his children?" I asked.

"A girl aged Nineteen and a boy of Sixteen. There was nothing they could do. The wife committed suicide the same night, her husband was killed." Antonio answered.

"What about his guards, surely some must have been loyal to him?" Valerio asked, seemingly interested in the conversation.

"Some were loyal but majority were bought over by Caruso. The loyal ones were quickly eliminated while some escaped."

"What did the rest mafia families say about this?" I asked Antonio.

"Nobody pretty much cares, they were a minor family living in the glory of their past. Caruso is bringing back the old trades the De Luca's stopped, so some families have started seeking an alliance with him already."

Such was reality in the mafia world, there were no permanent allies anywhere, you could only depend on yourself.

"Anyways Caruso has given out something to be auctioned tonight." Antonio revealed.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Camilla De Luca. The first daughter of the De Luca family. Such a pretty little thing, I am sure the crowd will go crazy tonight."

"I know I am ruthless but this Caruso guy is giving me a run for my money." I told Antonio.

"Well he wants to build connections with me and he also gets more money from the deal as do I. It's a win-win situation for all of us." he replied, he stood up as his attention was called somewhere else.

"Enjoy your night boys." he told us and walked away.

Valerio sighed and looked at me. "How long do we have to be here?" he complained.

"A little while longer and then we can leave." I told him.

He sighed again and relaxed back in his chair.

Soon the auction started and various things were brought out for sale. Antique paintings, sculptures, old wines, guns, crystals, gold, precious stones, humans were also brought out; little kids who showed promise at being shooters, assassins, geniuses, slaves, expert fighters and beautiful women.

Like I expected, the crowd went crazy buying and bidding over one another. I wondered if they realized that they were paying more than triple what the items cost.

Then the Mc hushed the crowd.

"and now, our last item for the night. A beautiful pure proud heiress up for sale to the highest bidder. Gentlemen, I present to you, Camilla De Luca."

She was brought on stage and I was shocked at her beauty. Now, I had seen a lot of beauties in my life, but Camilla had a different type of beauty. She looked both delicate and fierce.

Her long red hair framed a beautiful face from which vibrant green eyes shone. Her body was perfect, not too slim and not too thick. She was perfect and she knew it from the arrogant look on her face.

All the women who had been auctioned tonight had come on stage crying but not Camilla. She sauntered on that stage like a queen. Her eyes roamed over the stage like a queen looking at her subjects.

Right away, I knew I wanted those eyes to look at me with lust and passion as I fucked her. I was already hard thinking of it.

The bidding started and just like Antonio predicted, the crowd went crazy over her. Different men stood up to call out different amounts.

The bid was getting higher each time. At last it stopped at thirty million dollars. It was the highest amount that had been called in history of all the events Antonio had hosted.

The person who had called out that amount was no other person than Paolo Bianco, my rival and enemy.

I looked at Camilla on the stage again, Paolo was known for being cruel to women, I knew she was going to be in a living hell if she was sold to him.

For some reason, I didn't want that arrogance in her to be dimmed by Paolo's cruelty.

For the first time since I attended auction events, I picked up the little sign in front of me and raised it up. The Mc pointed at me.

"A hundred and fifty million dollars." I announced.

The entire hall went quiet. Paolo was glaring at me with so much hatred.

"An hundred and fifty million dollars, any other bid?" the Mc asked.

Nobody contradicted my bid not even Paolo.

"Going... Going... Gone. For the whooping sum of one hundred and fifty million dollars, Camilla De Luca is sold to Dante Russo." the Mc announced. An usher came close to me with a POS (point of sale terminal) machine to take the money.

I put my card in the machine, put in my pin and the payment was successful.

"Congratulations on your purchase." the Mc congratulated me.

Valerio looked at me in disgust, "You really are an idiot." he told me.

I sighed, he didn't need to tell me, I knew I was an idiot and this was one of my idiotic actions. But I didn't regret a thing.

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