
Chapter 2 - Lucian Creed

Chapter 2 - Lucian Creed

Lucian Creed stood in his opulent office, gazing out of the wide-screen window as he contemplated the events of the past two weeks. The cunning Dolman had lost his company to him in a deceitful bet, and now he and his wife were desperately seeking to regain ownership. The audacity of their pleas amused Lucian. Just then, a knock interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in," Lucian called out.

His loyal secretary, Ken, entered the room with a respectful nod. "President, it's Secretary Ken," he announced.

Lucian sighed, trying to quell his irritation. "You don't need to knock every time, Ken. Just come in," he said.

"My apologies, sir. I didn't mean to bother you," Ken replied, his eyes downcast.

"What do you have for me?" Lucian asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I received a call from Mr. Dolman earlier," Ken reported.

Lucian raised an eyebrow. "Let me guess, he wants to negotiate a new deal."

"Not exactly, sir," Ken replied. "He claims to have found a bride for you."

Lucian's amusement turned into surprise. "A bride? And who is this woman?"

"Her name is Mira Dolman, and she is twenty-eight years old," Ken revealed.

"Mira Dolman? Why have I never heard of her before?" Lucian mused, trying to recall any mention of her in his vast network.

"About four years ago, before you took over the London branch, she left home and only just returned today," Ken explained.

Lucian chuckled. "She only just returned and is already set to marry a stranger? It seems Mr. Dolman is willing to go to great lengths to save his sinking ship."

"What do you want me to do, sir?" Ken inquired.

"Prepare for the marriage as planned," Lucian replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let the car be sent to fetch her."

"Very well, sir," Ken said, knowing better than to question his boss's decisions.

"And ensure the wedding takes place at the mansion. We'll have the priest ready," Lucian added.

"As you wish, sir," Ken acknowledged, leaving the room to carry out his orders.

As the wheels of his plan were set in motion, Lucian allowed himself a rare moment of reflection. He had been scarred by love in the past, and the thought of entering into another marriage solely for financial gain left him feeling cold and detached. But this time, it was different. He had no intention of falling victim to the clutches of love again. This marriage would be nothing more than a business arrangement, a means to an end.


As I descended the stairs, my footsteps echoing through the foyer, only to find my parents engaged in a heated argument. Their hushed voices rose to a tense pitch, and it was evident that something troubling was happening. Unaware of the cause, I sighed and scolded them, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm the one who should be shouting and crying, not you two," I said, my voice tinged with frustration.

Startled by my sudden appearance, they both looked up. My mother's eyes immediately landed on my attire, and she couldn't help but ask, "Where did you get that gown?"

"It's mine. Why?" I replied, curious about her sudden interest.

Her response was evasive. "Nothing, dear," she said, attempting to smile, but her glance at my father betrayed her unease.

Dad chimed in with a forced smile, trying to divert the conversation. "Of course, it's just beautiful. Though you could also wear the gown your mother gave you. This one looks expensive."

Brushing off the comment, I felt a sense of unease creeping over me. "I appreciate the sentiment, but this gown holds a special significance to me," I replied, not wanting to divulge its true meaning just yet.

Before we could delve deeper into the conversation, a knock echoed through the door, signaling the arrival of our guests. Dad's urgency was palpable as he announced, "It's time."

"Yes, indeed," Mom agreed, her worried gaze flickering toward me.

I couldn't ignore their strange behavior, but I chose not to push them further at the moment. Instead, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves, and joined them outside, where a white limousine awaited us.

Upon seeing the fancy car, I hesitated, wanting to ride with my parents to the mysterious destination. But the doorman, with a veiled warning in his eyes, informed me that I was instructed to ride in the limousine. I frowned, not appreciating the implications, but I asserted myself, "I'll ride with my parents. That's final."

As we drove towards the unknown future, excitement and anxiety intertwined within me. The sprawling mansion that greeted us was unlike anything I had ever seen, its grandeur taking my breath away. Yet, beneath the awe, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the whole situation.

Little did I know that this unexpected turn of events would set me on a path I never could have imagined, one that would challenge my beliefs, emotions, and the very essence of my being. As the car approached the mansion, I steeled myself for the unknown future that awaited me, knowing that my life was about to change in ways I could never have foreseen.

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