
Chapter 6 - Questions


My alarm went off at 8:30 to remind me to call. I hadn’t needed the reminder as Honey kept popping up in my mind all night. During my shift today, I compared her to every girl that came on to me. That happens to me a lot. They see me as a rich club owner and want to be with the guy at the top. Little do they know that it's lonely up here and for good reason. I worked my ass off every day to make sure the bills were paid and salaries were dispensed. I have to make sure that the building is maintained properly, to keep in operation. My insurance was through the roof already, and I didn’t need any lawsuits for major or even minor incidents.

I saw one of my ex-subs earlier. She had found a new Dom, but she kept glancing my way. She will get punished if he notices. Some people were more astute than others. I ignored her and went about my day. Not one of these ladies made me want to pause and contemplate. Not now that I've found Honey.

My thoughts for Honey went a little, okay, a lot, differently. It was more like; What is she doing? What is she thinking? Was she anticipating my call? What is her favorite color? How corny is that? I have never asked one girlfriend or a sub that question, ever. My emotions feel soft and gooey. It was unusual and not exactly pleasant. My dominant personality was not a separate personality, it was my personality. So these emotions were totally out of character for me. I needed to talk to my mentor about this, find out if it's normal. Do I need to take a step back before I can go forward?

I told my lead bouncer that I was taking a break and ran upstairs to my apartment. I wanted our time to be quality time, even if it was just over the telephone.

8:35 she answered on the third ring.

“Hello” she answered, a little out of breath.

“Good evening, Honey. How are you? How was your day?” I asked. I genuinely want to know.

“Brandt, you actually called when you said you would.” Was she really that surprised?

“I try to always do what I say I will, Honey. I don’t make promises I don’t intend to keep.” I’m not offended. We are in the “getting to know you” phase of our relationship.

“That is a very admirable quality. I appreciate that in a person.” I’m glad she didn’t say “in a man”. I realize that I may feel jealous if another man has touched her or made her feel any intense emotions. I want to give her many of her “firsts”, not think she might have them with any other guy.

“I know you have questions for me that you may want answered, but you still have not answered my greeting. How are you and how was your day today, Honey? I really want to know.” I am sincere and feel a need to convey that to her right at the beginning of us.

“How much time do you have? Just joking. I’m doing pretty good. Excited to be speaking with you. I had a good day. I had a test at school. I think I did well. Then work was work. I answer phones in a call center. I think they will be promoting me soon. It will be nice to make a little more money. What about you and your day?” She sounds upbeat. She squeezed her whole day into a few sentences. I want to be involved in the journey of her life. Hopefully, soon, these conversations will get easier. I wish I was already in a position to make her life easier. Soon, I think, I will be able to insert myself into her life and be someone she can count on.

She sounds like she is getting a little more comfortable with me. I could only hope.

“I’ve been working today as usual. We open at 4 during the week. I take an active role in the management of the club and oversee everything. My staff would probably say, micro-manage. But that is just how it has to be until the club is paid-off, and I can focus on the next stage of my goals.”

“And what is the next stage, Brandt? How did you come to own a sex club?” I knew these questions were coming, and I was ready with answers. I quickly explained my plans for the next club. She seemed impressed by Brandt, the business owner. I also explained how I bought the club on a whim from a friend and never looked back. I love being a business owner and my own boss.

“You totally have your life together, Brandt. If I may be so blunt. It makes you even more attractive.” I have come to realize that Honey is often blunt in her conversations. I like that about her.

“I love to hear your beautiful voice tell me that you find me attractive. You are honest and blunt in your conversations with me. Honesty is very important in all relationships. Please always feel free to be yourself.”

She gave a little laugh. “I don’t know who else to be.”

I closed my eyes and let her laugh wash over me. Her sweet voice draws me into her world, just a little.

“How much time do we have before you go back to work, Brandt.” My name was a melody on her lips.

“Well, since I’m the boss, technically, I can go back whenever I want.” I never took off in the middle of the work day though, so people will wonder.

“I wanted to ask one of my questions, if I may. Actually, I have a series of questions, but I guess the questions after will depend on the answers to the previous. Do you get what I’m saying?”

“I understand Honey, fire away.”

“I have been doing some research. One thing you will learn about me is that I love knowledge. Sometimes I’m satisfied to get that information as life goes by, but other times, I go to the internet to find out what I need to know.” I totally get that and have a feeling I know where she is going with this.

“You may be aware,” she continues, “that there is a lot about BDSM online. So much so that my main question is this: Do you plan to have a BDSM contract with me? Or since, as you say, you want a different kind of relationship with me, will we perhaps try to have what society deems a “normal” relationship?”

I know she has thought long and hard about this since the last time we spoke. I’m stunned at her level of maturity, but at the same time, I think I knew it would be like this. She is serious and possibly doesn’t have a lot of fun in her life. She always has to weigh her options and do her research to control the world around her. One night, it got out of her control, and she is trying her best to bring control back to her life. But she didn’t count on me. She didn’t count on not being able to get me out of her mind.

“What would you like, Honey? The main attribute of the BDSM lifestyle is control. You can negotiate however you like. For myself, I like control. I like to dominate. I like to push limits. I enjoy having a submissive that answers to me. However, I see a slightly different dynamic between you and I. I believe this is something we should explore on our date on Saturday.” How much more should I say? I actually know exactly what I want, but I need her to want it too.

She didn't answer right away, so I continued, “BDSM is all about consent. Do you remember how I explained that you would see some things, and they might seem a certain way? The person or bottom is having things done to them but they can stop at any time. They have a safe word. Just one word will stop everything.”

I could almost hear Honey thinking this through, so I added just one last thought. “You may feel nervous, scared, maybe even excited. The unknown makes for some pretty intense emotions. Please know that I will never, ever hurt you. Not physically and I damn sure hope not emotionally. I want us to explore each other and have fun together.”

“You’ve not answered my question exactly, but you have given me a lot to think about. I've got to get Brody to bed and do some homework. Good night, Brandt, sweet dreams.”

“Good night, Honey. Call me tomorrow when you get off work.”

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