
Chapter 16

I could tell he was trying to get closer, but I wasn't interested. I had enough drama dealing with Oliver and his antics. I didn't need more complications in my life.

"Good. Now, let's get back to work. We have a lot to do today," I said, steering the conversation back to our tasks.

He nodded and we went back to rehearsing the stunts. As the day progressed, I noticed him stealing glances at me every now and then. But I chose to ignore it, focusing instead on doing my job.

In my line of work, it wasn't uncommon for people to develop feelings or show interest. But I had learned long ago to keep my personal and professional life separate. And that's exactly what I intended to do. It's quite common for these situations to arise, and some are not even afraid to approach me despite my intimidating facial expressions.

"By the way, coach, do you like rock and R&B genres?" he asked while sitting comfortably, near me.

"Yeah, why? You want to invite me to your band concert?" I asked directly. He
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