
6_ Olima's begging

Nathan forcefully pulled Olima out of the mansion, while she cried and pleaded with him, "Sir, I beg you, please don't cast me aside. I have nowhere else to go, Nathan. Please... "

Olima wept while Nathan responded, "Regrettably, I am unable to assist you at this moment, ma'am. It's time for you to vacate this residence."

Nathan was also concerned because he was unaware of Olima's actions. He caught sight of her as she arrived home and hurriedly retreated back into the house. Now, she was crying uncontrollably, and Mrs. Gina sternly instructed him to remove her from the premises.

Olima pleaded, "Please sir, do not cast me aside. This house belongs to my father. I have nowhere else to go, please."

Nathan released Olima's hands and ran his fingers through his short black hair on his head in frustration. He has a deep complexion and was also of average height.

Mrs. Gina emerged from the grand mansion and called out, "Nathan! Is that witch still lurking around out there?"

Nathan anxiously gazed at Olima and hastily opened the gate as he responded, "No, madam. I've asked her to go outside."

Nathan reluctantly decided to let Olima go, so he opened the gate and asked her to leave.

Mia emerged from the mansion and trailed behind her mother as they made their way towards the gate. Mrs Gina inquired, "Who is that I see at the gate? Is that person still standing at the gate with you, Nathan? Get her out of here immediately!"

Mrs Gina gracefully descended the steps of the grand mansion and hurried towards the gate. She encountered Olima and Nathan at the gate, forcefully pushing Olima out of the house and sternly commanding, "Leave! And make sure I never catch you here again. Otherwise, I will personally ensure your demise for the audacity of poisoning my daughter and me. Please leave!"

Nathan stood in silence, frustration evident as he watched them.

Olima's eyes welled up with tears as she knelt before her stepmother, pleading, "Please, ma, I have nowhere else to go. I won't be leaving tonight, no matter what. It's getting late."

Olima sobbed, fully aware of the estate's tight security and the presence of security personnel. However, she couldn't shake off her fear of potential intruders violating her privacy.

Mrs Gina inquired, "Why should I be concerned about that? Why didn't you consider the dangerous individuals in the vicinity when you decided to harm my daughter and me? Nathan!" Mrs. Gina called once more.

"Yes, Madam," Nathan swiftly appeared by her side.

Mrs Gina sternly warned, "Secure this gate tightly. If I ever catch Olima inside this compound again, I will have you both arrested and charged with attempted harm to my daughter and myself. Please lock this gate immediately!"

Nathan swiftly closed the gate on Olima, who quickly got up from the floor and urgently pounded on the gate. Shouting, "Nathan! Open these gates! Could you please refrain from locking me out? Please!"

Olima cried as she pounded on the gate, but Nathan had already secured it from the inside.

Mrs Gina exclaimed, "That's ridiculous!... Nathan, please refrain from opening this gate for Olima in the future or allowing her access to this compound. Do you comprehend?"

"Yes, Madam," Nathan nervously responded. He was dedicated to his gateman job, as it provided for his family and new wife at home. He couldn't afford to lose his job, even though he felt sorry for Olima.

With a pregnant wife waiting at home and two kids to take care of, Nathan let out a weary sigh and made his way back to the gate-house. Meanwhile, Mrs. Gina and Mia returned to the mansion.

Mia inquired of her mother, "Mother, what shall we partake of this evening?"

Mia was aware that she had made a mistake by adding an excessive amount of salt to the otherwise delicious soup that Olima had painstakingly prepared.

She was confident that her mother would believe her, as her mother always supported her and punished Olima harshly.

Mrs Gina exclaimed, "Why did you ruin the soup? I know that Olima did not add too much salt to that soup? Can you tell me the current price of soup ingredients in the market?"

Mia was disappointed when her mother scolded her.

Mrs. Gina declared, "From now on, you will be responsible for cooking as a form of punishment. Come with me to the kitchen. You'll make sure not to let any of the meat in that soup go to waste, the one Olima cooked. Once you've carefully taken out each piece of meat from the soup pot, make sure to give it a thorough cleaning before cooking with it again tonight. What a foolish girl."

Mia's expression turned sour as she trailed behind her mother, returning to the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen, Mrs. Gina felt a slight unease about having to ask Olima to leave, considering it was already 10pm. She was aware that the estate security agent would be questioning her the next day. When they caught sight of Olima outside at such a late hour, it became clear that she had been kicked out.

Mrs Gina shouted, "Hurry up and take away all the meats!"

Mia shuddered with unease as she carefully began to remove the cooked meat from the soup pot. She had made sure to wash her hands thoroughly before entering the kitchen with her mother.

Mrs. Gina observed as Mia delicately removed all the meats from the pot of soup. Once Mia finished, Mrs. Gina meticulously washed the meat again before proceeding to cook it for their dinner.


Olima sobbed and pounded on the gate of her deceased father's mansion with all her might, yet Nathan refused to open it for her.

She was still in her light blue gown and had been wearing it since morning.

She felt a chill as the cool night breeze brushed against her silky, tender skin, causing a shiver to run down her back.

With tears streaming down her face, she made her way towards the estate gate, determined to report her stepmother to the security men standing nearby.

Olima was well aware that despite her decision to report her stepmother to the estate security men. Her stepmother's wicked attitude remained unchanged, and she hugged herself tightly as she approached the gate of the estate.

Olima noticed two men strolling on the opposite side of the road, trying to get her attention.

She gazed at them, observing as they made their way across the road. One of them caught her attention and called out, "Hey there, beautiful. How are you doing?"

Olima swiftly fled, her bare feet pounding against the ground. She sprinted with all her might, her slender legs propelling her forward with incredible speed.

One of the two individuals called out to her, pleading, "Please wait!" Where are you headed?"

Olima continued to sprint towards the estate gate without pausing or glancing back at them. As the estate gate loomed in the distance, the late night darkness enveloped her.

As she sprinted, she caught sight of a red car heading her way. She instinctively eased her pace, contemplating the possibility of asking the driver for a ride to the estate gate. Perhaps the car's owner resided within the estate and could be a kind-hearted individual.

Earlier, Justin Robert visited one of his preferred hangout spots. He went to the club in Lemonhill town to enjoy the company of attractive young women, but none of them managed to capture his interest.

He was frustrated by the amount of time he spent sitting and observing the dancers at the strip club, as they moved sensually and gracefully around the pole.

Justin angrily stood up and stormed out of the club, consumed by thoughts of the attractive young woman he had spotted earlier and mustered up the courage to approach.

He had been captivated by her for a while, and his desire burned fiercely to possess her and share a passionate connection, but she fled from him as if he were a savage creature.

Justin was becoming increasingly frustrated because he had been encountering a multitude of attractive young women. No one has ever had the audacity to turn him down, or reject his advances, but this particular young woman truly insulted him and wounded his pride.

Justin is not the most agreeable person, but he does make an effort to be respectful and obedient at home. He may not always enjoy the tasks his parents assign him, but he still complies with their requests. He dutifully follows his parents' wishes and assumed control of his father's real estate business, being the sole heir.

He formed a friendship with Jesse Andrew, his driver, despite the significant age difference. Jesse also held him in high regard.

Justin maintained a close bond with Jesse, viewing him as a surrogate older brother and a trusted confidant for venting frustrations.

Emerging from the strip-club. He said to Jesse, "We should head home. Today has been quite uneventful."

Jesse understood that whenever Justin mentioned feeling bored, it was a clear sign that something was deeply troubling him.

Jesse inquired, "What seems to be the issue, young master?"

Justin paused, weighing the decision of whether or not to reveal his true feelings to Jesse. He found himself caught in a moment of introspection, grappling with the desires of his heart.

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