
4. Who are you

I could not just blurt out my name, or my father’s! I could not disclose to some stranger - as handsome as he was - who I was! The Malvak family is a renowned one and a special one, that was. The females born into this family usually suffered from an extremely rare genetic mutation, that’s what they call it, but I think it’s just a curse that is bound to our blood. 

We had no scent, we had no wolf. No matter if the father was an alpha, if his Luna bore a daughter, she’d be born wolfless.. For a werewolf, that might have been the worst fate ever, but in our world, it meant you could easily slide around and move like a fish in water, because you were harder to be caught. Harder to desire, harder to mate. 

I suck in a breath and something within urges me to play his game. A smile curls on my lips and I feel a bit of mischief tickling my senses. Despite the usual shyness and overall coy nature that is etched within me, one of my hands reaches upwards and my fingers touch his cheek, hesitantly. His eyes move from my face to my hand and a smirk curls on his lips.

“Not willing to at least give me your name?” he rasps out, grabbing my wrist roughly and stopping me before I could cup his cheek, but instead of pushing my hand away, he brings it to his lips and presses a soft kiss on my fingers, his eyes cutting back to my face, watching me with such an intense gaze I feel like he is taking the air right out my lungs.

“Does my name matter?” I mutter, a bit dazed by his tender gesture.

He didn't seem like the kind of man who was able to be tender. His shoulders were wide and larger, his arms might have been the size of my thighs. Every fiber of his muscle was almost visible and he looked like he could easily break me in half. He looked like a professional athlete. A swimmer… Was he one?

“I need to know your name so I know how to tag your number in my phone~” he growls out, in a sultry voice, making me blush like crazy. 

Silence sets over my brain, because I was definitely not ready to hear such a thing right now. Didn’t this kind of thing end after one night? Was this not why the VIP room was made in the first place? For flings? For one night stands? For one and done? 

Needless to say, the fact that he wants my number makes me all giddy inside. Maybe… maybe something like this could be fun! For a few weeks. A few more nights before the wedding~ 

I roll my eyes at him, deciding to play hard to get. I tug my hand free from him and his smirk widens slightly when I roll away, to the edge of the bed. With my back to him, I stretch slightly and allow my feet to touch the floor. I was not sure if I could get out of bed right now, but I’ll manage! 

I feel his eyes on me, tracing my back, my waist, my hips, before they move back up to my head. 

“Wasn’t this supposed to be a one time thing?” I ask, running my fingers through my hair, combing it backwards. 

“It usually is supposed to be-” he answers a bit pensively. Maybe he finally realized we were not supposed to actually exchange numbers, or names or anything, and that makes me a bit anxious, because I definitely wanted to see him again. “And it can be a one time thing, again-” his voice lowered, into a menacing one. “- and again, and again-” his words trail off as he makes his way behind me, his lips pressing on my shoulder blade, his much larger hand snaking around me, resting on my stomach.

I feel something inside there flutter and I lean my head back slowly, looking at him through the corner of my eyes. 

“Am I actually hearing this right-” I find myself chuckling at doubting the both of us right now. 

“I’m not asking for too much. Just the occasional sex.” 

He is blunt and I find that oddly disturbing and comforting at the same time. Knowing he was very aware of what he wanted was comfortable, but knowing I was not wanted for something serious, was a bit damaging to my self esteem. But Overall, it was a good offer, because I could not support a serious relationship. Not when-

“It does the both of us good-” he growls in my ear, his lips pressing a kiss right behind it, his teeth moving to capture my earlobe, his hand moving up to cup one of my breasts. “We both get the fun out of it.” he continues, “You enjoyed it too-” 

He was not wrong.

His teeth move to scrape the skin over my shoulder and a surge of panic washes over me and I jolt out of his grasp like a spring toy, rushing to get out of his reach before he’d catch me again, covering myself with the first item of clothing I find on the ground, which is his shirt. I pressed his shirt against my chest, covering my body, my eyes narrowed on him.

That was a sensitive spot for me. It was were the mark of a mate would usually be laying and I could not stand the idea someone knew about me… or if someone tried to mark me. I could not go on with the marriage if someone laid their mark on me. I would bring shame to the family! To myself…

He remains sitting on the bed, his eyes pinned on me with that mischievous smile upon his face. Such a smug smile that I want to slap it out of his face right now. I’m itching to slap him actually. I can feel the tingles in my fingers itching to be scratched… 

The man slowly pushes himself up, stepping out of bed, his moves slow, much like a predator, his eyes half lidded, his fleshy lips curled into a playful smile, peeling back ever so slightly, giving me a glimpse of his teeth and his slightly pointed canines. Damn, he was handsome! Too handsome for my own sake. 

The white blanket slides off of his body, revealing to me the rest of his body. My breath hitches in my chest as my eyes slide down his abdomen, and stop right above his hips. Truly, a strangely erotic sight. There is little hair on his body and whatever is there, is barely seen since it’s pale and thin and I really wonder what lottery did he win to get such genes. The V line of his hips is sharply accentuated by the muscles around and he looks exactly like one of those marble statues some ancient Greek artist managed to shape to his desire. 

Unlike me, he does not shy from curious eyes, and he even gives me the chance to process the fact that I am staring at his half erect cock, and I immediately feel like my own body reacts to it, asking for more of what he offered earlier. 

He reaches for me and rips off the shirt, tossing it away from me, his hands grabbing me and pulling me towards him, pressing me against his body, making me aware of the horrible height difference between us. The top of my head barely reached his heart and my shoulders seemed to have been the width of his pelvis. At 5’2 i don’t expect to be too big but this… makes me want to cower. 

His hands are soft, clearly he is not someone who works hard with his hands, and they move gently down the curve of my back. 

“The way I see it, we are perfect for each other right now. I’ve been searching for someone like you for a while now. Someone who has what it takes to have some fun-” he leans down and presses his nose into my hair. “And you seem to be one who wants freedom and not to have her wings clipped. I can do that for you. I don’t even need your real name. Just-” his hand moves under my chin, forcing my head up so he could look at me. “Allow me to see you again.”

This is not a demand. This is a genuine plea. His hand holds my chin tenderly and I feel like I could melt right in his hand, right here and right now. The other one is set gingerly on my lower back, Giving me the opportunity to pull away if I wish to do so. 

“Alright~” I whisper, a bit out of breath. 

I can see in his golden eyes, the unexpressed relief. And I can feel my inner wolf howl with agreement to my words, and I genuinely feel like this will be fun. Exciting even. Even if it will last just… just a bit.

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