
Chapter Two- She can't Cook

Dr Ryan took sonia to a court registry in Lagos where they we're wedded as husband and wife

That was done primarily to enable them get all necessary documents they would need to travel together to London

Their church wedding was billed to hold in London

Sonia,Who has not been opportune to be in any city in her life was carried away by the fascinating beauty of Lagos

She had heard a great deal about the city but she had not been there

In London she was absolutely carried away by the magnificent bungalow that was to be her new home

~~~~~Six Months Later

The first two months of their honeymoon was a very blissful experience to the couple

Like all women after she was certified pregnant by the family doctor in the fourth month she began to show her true colors gradually

Her venner of humility and responsibility started to crack

"We need house helps in this house,I cannot be doing all this things alone" She complained one morning when her husband was getting ready for work

"You are right,but nannies are very expensive to maintain her" He told her gently as he was putting on his shoes

"why ? Her tone was harsh to his surprise

"Because this is not Nigeria!

"What do you mean by that?

"I mean that house helps are cheap to maintain in Nigeria, But here in London they are expensive moreover that is why I have been helping in tidying up the house"

"How much does it cost that you cannot afford two house helps or nannies whatever you call them"

The mockery in her voice was not lost to him yet he decided to ignore them

"They are paid on weekly basis like 200 pounds per week" He was adjusting his silk tie before the wall mirror

"200 pounds per week is nothing compared to my life!

"You are right dear but remember that we have other innumerable bills to take care of " He complained

"Oh please ! Then why did you come to marry me if you know you are not ready to do so?

There was remorse and cynism in her tone of voice, compleeling him to pause in the act of putting on his suit

That was a clear indication that she was not enjoying the marriage but yet he loved her a lot and would not want anything to hurt her

"Have I done wrong by coming to marry you? His tone of voice was suprisely low

"Yes, if you cannot provide all I need of what use is the marriage? You see that am not born to suffer , I am not in your house to suffer either"

By maintaining her unexpected stance,he grew angry at her

As he was about to leave the bedroom she ran after him , embracing him

"I'm sorry if I offended you,it was just that the house hold chores are becoming much for me''

He tried to loosen her hold on him "That is the more reason why I have been helping in the house or rather been doing most of the things myself" He explained in anger

"Please do not do that, I said am sorry such cannot repeat itself" she tightened her hold on him so that he would not free himself with ease

"Please allow me to go for I am already late for work, we can settle whatever the problem is in the evening " he told her in an Impelling voice

"You can go, but not without a kiss as to assume me that you are no longer annoyed with me"

He stared at her for awhile , the rage that had been welling up in him disappearing steadily.

Before he knew it she tried kissing him. He had since found out that she was not a virgin nor as naive as he had made to believe

She liked having fun more than any other thing and could have it all day long

He had often attributed her mania for fun to the fact that they were newly married, Which he hoped would wane when she would be tied down with children

He ,however had striven to satisfy her so that she would have no cause to look outside

"I'm sorry that I am not ready for this now , I'm no longer annoyed with you , I will make it up to you when I come back from work "

Observing that her husband was not prepared for that she dre in a long shuddering sigh

"Okay see you in the evening but remember your promise"

"I will, take Care" he assured her taking his portfolio.

It had also happened that Sonia was not good at cooking and did not want her husband to know.

The very first thing she did on arrival to London was to know a good restaurant that was run by a Nigerian woman

She goes to this restaurant to buy her husband's lunch and dinner .

She would pass the food for him to eat as something she just prepared 

"You cook so well " Dr Ryan complimented her on one of his lunch times

"Cooking is in our blood"

"I'm therefore blessed to have married you , you are an epitome of beauty , as well as a culinary expert , I could not wish for anything more in woman"

"Thanks so much darling" There was a descerribled trace of uneasiness in her voice which Dr Ryan observed 

"Is anything the matter? He was looking at her in earnest every inch concerned

"Not at all , I was thinking if the salt I put was much" she had lied

Dr Ryan smiled with pleasure , he was highly impressed with his wife's concern for his satisfaction

"It's simply wonderful"

"Thanks daring. am glad you love it"

That was how she continued to feed him until one day , he had forgotten an important document at home and had left for work

Two hours later he drove back home to get the document just when his wife was equally coming in with a lather bag

He was stunned to have seen her coming in from where he did not know

"Are you from where and what are you carring? He walked up to her as she stood unlocking the door 

"Nothing important" she replied searching for right lies to use

He was not fast enough to notice the state of discomfort over his out of blues home

"How could you tell me nothing when you were actually carrying something? Besides you didnt tell me you know anywhere here?

"Is nothing important! She repeated 

"Besides you didnt tell me you will be back early" she accused him entering the house 

"I forgot an important document"


"What is that you are doing ? He walked din to her as an aroma of bitter leaf soup filled the kitchen

Sonia was speechless and just turned mopping at him

She blamed herself for not waiting a little longer for him to leave before touching the food

"So this is what you have been feeding me with in the name of good cooking running in your family? 

You have been feeding me with foods you buy from outside? He was shaking his head in utter disappointed

"Am sorry" that was all she could mutter as Ryan stared in shock

"Sorry ?

"Please forgive me, I was afraid you won't love me again after feeding out I can't cook" she said crying .

"You should have told me than feeding me with the foods I don't know how they prepared " he said..

"Am sorry please forgive me it won't happen again" Sonia said hugging him tight .

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