
Chapter 4

Daniella's Pov

Now I'm standing in front of his study room, the man in black tuxedo as usual gave a light knock on the door before he opened it and motioned for me to go in which I did after giving him a small smile. Unlike my other visits, there is no sign of him here.

If he's not here, why was I brought here?

The door creaking open got my attention and I turn around to see who it was. it turns out to be him. He paused for a moment when his eyes landed on mine.

"Good afternoon, sir." I greeted with a small smile.

He walked in and closed the door behind him, completely ignoring me. He walked over to his desk and took a seat.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, opening his laptop and not sparing a glance at my direction.

"I came here to say thank you for saving me the other day." I said, feeling awakard.

"Is that all?" He asked like my words didn't mean much to him, his focus still on his laptop.

Hearing him say that makes me feel so stupid, I shouldn't have come here!

"Yes…I'll be on my way now." I said, turning to take my leave, not wanting to be in his presence for another minute.

"If you leave how am I going to get back the money I loaned you?" His voice came, making me stop.


What's he talking about?

"I don't understand." I said, turning to face him.

"I cleared your debt that very day you were attacked, so how will I get my payment since you don't have any colleterals?" He asked, still focused on his laptop.

He cleared the debt?

Was that why Carlos hadn't come back even after probably hearing about father's return?

"I had no idea you cleared the debt, sir."

"Whether you know or you don't isn't of my concern, my concern is how my loan will be paid in full. So do you accept my offer?" He said, now turning his gaze to me.


The one night offer? Does he think I will spend the night with him?


"I'm sorry sir, but I can't sleep with you…if there are other ways I can pay back I will…but I can't accept your one night offer.."

"I wasn't talking about that offer, I was referring to the marriage offer." He stated, getting me surprised.

"I thought you said that offer wasn't open any longer?" I asked, completely surprised on what must have changed his mind.

"You seem to enjoy returning my questions with questions. I don't have the patience, young lady." He said causally.

"It's not like that…"

"I have no taste in women of your type, let alone to have you for a night." He said, I swear I could sense the irritation in his voice.

What does he think of himself to say that I am unworthy?

"If I am clearly not your type, why would you want to make me your wife and have me suffocating you forever?" I blurted out, clearly showing him how upset his words made me.

"Because senorita, there is clearly no way in a hundred years that you can possibly clear the debt you owe me." His said, more like with confidence.

This man is really an egotistic, arrogant bastard!

I feel like slapping him across the face right now!

"Now that we are done with this fruitless argument. That's the marriage contract document, read through it carefully and sign and then we can proceed to other things." He said, tossing a file at his desk before focusing back to his laptop.

I really wished there is another way that I can pay him back without ruining my life by marrying someone like him. It will only be filled with pain and sorrow all the way.

I walked up to his desk and picked up the file, then turned and walked out of his office but not without slamming the door to show how irritated I am with him. I quietly made my way down stairs, this house of his is really quiet. Surely I'd get bored in staying here. My thoughts got interrupted when something bumped into me. I looked down to see a little girl on the floor. I was completely taken aback

I had no idea there could be a child in this house since it seemed so quiet. A woman rushed into the scene, she seemed to be in her late 50s and looking at her dress code, she seemed to be a maid.

"Oh dear!" The woman exclaimed, her eyes on the little girl on the floor.

She immediately rushed to the girl and picked her up. The little blonde girl just smiled widely at her when the maid just looked all worried for her.

"I told you not to run inside the house dear, do you want to give me a heart attack you silly girl?" The maid said, poking her head playfully which made the little girl giggle.

"Sorry." The little girl said. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.

The maid seems to have finally realize that someone else is with them, she stood up while taking the young girl's hand.

"I'm sorry for any trouble she may have been, she can really be naughty at times." The maid apologized on behalf of the little girl.

"Nanny Penelope, who is this pretty lady? I haven't seen her here before." The little girl asked the maid, looking at the maid with so much curiosity.

"She's your father's friend." Penelope explained quietly to the girl.

Father's friend?

Mr. Ruiz has a daughter?

"Really? I didn't know father had such a pretty friend!" The little girl exclaimed in what seemed like an excitement.

"Hello! My name's Natalia." The little girl introduced with her hand out for a handshake and a cute smile plastered on her face.

She's one irresistible cute girl.

I squatted down to be able to meet her height, getting a closer view of her I could see the resemblance to Mr. Ruiz. I am really surprised to think a man as arrogant as he is could have such a cute girl like her.

Was he once married or what?

"It's nice meeting you Natalia." I said, accepting her handshake.

"Don't you have a name or should I just call you pretty lady?" She asked, getting me surprised.

She should be five or six years old through my guess, but she sure talks like an adult.

"My name's Daniella, or you can just call me Dani." I said, giving her a small smile.

"It's nice meeting you, Dani. Since you are my father's friend, can you be mine too?" She asked so cutely.

"Well, since you asked nicely why not? How can I ever refuse the offer of friendship from a cute girl like you." I said, giving her cheek a slight playful pinch.

"I'm very sorry, little Natalia can really be a handful when she acts out her age." Penelope said, making me chuckle.

"It's really nothing, I like her cuteness." I said, grinning at her before I rose to my feet. "I have to go now."

"Will you come back tomorrow?" Natalia asked, making me smile.

"I don't know honey." I said.

I really don't wish coming back here and get to see her arrogant father. His presence gets me upset and I can't even do anything about it.

"Please come back tomorrow, I have a lot to show you and I promise to share my cookies with you." She pleaded and I couldn't help but melt at her cuteness.

"Fine. I can't possibly say no to you cutie." I said, grinning at her.

"Yay!" She yelled excitedly and ran off.

"I have never seen her get excited about people she met just once, you really have quite a charm there." Penelope said, and I couldn't help but smile.

"She's a lovely little girl. Oh well I have to take my leave, take care." I said with a smile which Penelope returned.

I made my way out of the house, lost in thoughts about the fact that Mr. Ruiz has a child. Helena never said that part or probably she had no idea about it, I wonder how she would react once I told her this.


"Are you sure of what you are saying?" Helena asked, surprised after I told her about his daughter.

"I am one hundred percent sure of that, which means he was married or he is still married." I said, grabbing my canvas to start painting on it.

Apart from farming for people's planation for money, I also do some art painting in my leisure time and then I sell them off to make extra money although it isn't much.

"About him being married, I heard he was once married buh they got separated some years back which no one knows the reason why. But him having a child from his first marriage, no one knew about that." Helena explained.

"Probably his egoistic arrogant personality drove her away, like who can possibly stand that man for a minute?" I said, already feeling upset by the thought of him.

"You will have to learn to tolerate him because he's going to be your husband soon." Helena said, showing off the contract file to me making me roll my eyes.

I also told Helena about him clearing my debt and wants me to accept his marriage proposal in exchange of paying my debt to him, she sounded so excited about it which was the annoying part of it all.

Who would be happy getting married to a man like Mr. Ruiz despite his wealth? I know I wouldn't, even if he turns out to be the only prince charming on earth I will rather remain single.

"I haven't accepted it yet." I said, picking up my painting brush.

"But you have no choice in this. There is no way you will be able to raise up twenty-five thousand euros in a year or two." Helena said.

I sighed.

I can't help but admit to the fact that I really have no choice in this, no choice at all.


Javier's Pov

After I was done with my final paper work of today, I stood up and made my way out of my study room. I walked the hallway till I came to stop in front of my baby girl's room, slightly opening the door I made my way quietly into her dark lit room.

I managed to find my way to her bed, sitting down I turned on her lamp stand which the light hits her beautiful face. I hate to admit she looks so much like her mother, but my baby girl is more pure and innocent unlike her mother. So in a way she's totally different from her mother.

I quietly caressed her hair while gazing at her sleeping figure, this little girl means the entire world to me after her mother left. I can't imagine my life without my baby girl in it, I will be shattered without her in it and I can't bare to see any sort of sadness in her eyes that's why I want to bring Daniella into our lives.

Offering her marriage in form of clearing up her debt to me wasn't my intention, I did it for my daughter's sake. I needed someone I can trust my daughter's life in even when nanny Penelope is here. Funny enough Daniella appears to be exactly what I needed. Through the background check I had on her, her reputation happens to be clear.

And seeing the connection her and Daniella had in just a few moment ago really boosted my confidence that I think I made the right choice of choosing her despite my lack of affection for her or wanting to be with any woman at this point in my life.

Kissing Natalia's forehead I turned off her lamp stand and made my way out of her room quietly. I made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen to make myself some black coffee before heading to bed, to my surprise the kitchen lights were on. Walking further into the kitchen I am surprised to see it's nanny Penelope gulping down a glass of water, she seemed surprised to see me as well.

Why is she still up till this time?

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