
Dead meat

Eleanor's POV

I leaned against the wall of the palace, taking one of my numerous afternoon walks that I had been told was necessary for me.

I sniffed in when memories from last night came flooding in. I couldn't say for how long I had leaned my ears against the wall to Andre's room which was close to mine. I had slept off on the cold marble tiles when Phoebe moaning got worse and I was left dejected, everything seemed to be falling apart for me barely a week after being here.

From being sold to knowing that all my mate saw me as was a breeder. I didn't know what I had done wrong, I had high expectations, and I have dreamt of my virginity being taken in the most beautiful ways, with flowers and candle lights by the side but it was nothing as I had imagined, he had kept slamming into me like all I was was some trash he was supposed to dispose his cum in.

" What the hell!" I screamed out angrily, raising my face upward, anger brimming inside of me as I was forced back to reality. I was drenched from head to toe and Phoebe stood with a smirk on her face.

"Oops, sorry," she clasped a hand over her mouth but I knew that she was mocking me,

"I never knew you were walking by, What were you thinking about that had you so deep in thought? Lowly breeder" She had a wide smile on her face, one I wished I could wipe off,

I glared at her, trying to conjure up the words to say back to her but I just couldn't. Taking a step forward, I ran toward the gate with all of the strength that I could muster inside of me.

I knew I was done. This wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want a life like this, Andre had someone he loved, and I could tell that I wasn't wanted here so I was leaving.

I ran toward the gate with everything in me, damming all of the consequences. I was going back home, at least if my parents saw me this way, they would take me back. If they saw me drenched, I would be accepted.

I couldn't bring myself to pay attention to how sparingly the guards were at the gate, it was as though they had been all taken away. The last image I saw before halting a cab was of Phoebe gesturing at me to go away, reminding me yet again of how unwanted I was.

I gave the directions to the cab driver, praying earnestly to Selina that he wouldn't ask why my clothes were drenched and although he kept staring at me through the rear mirror, he kept whatever he intended to say to himself.

"Father!" I yelled out when the cab stopped in front of the pack house, and he stepped out, donning his black robe

He squinted his eyes at me,"Why are you here? You have a husband, and you aren't supposed to be here"

" A husband?" I questioned, Andre was anything but a husband to me, all he did was call me to his room, fuck me in whatever position he pleases, and send me back.

Andre's claim over me was a far cry from the loving partner I had hoped for, all of his actions hurt me,

"Father, he treats me like an object, a means to an end. He's not a husband, at least not to me."

Tears welled in my mother's eyes when she saw me, a stark contrast to my father's unyielding stance.

"Eleanor?" Her voice wavered as she whispered my name,

This was what I had been reduced to, I was looking tattered and unkempt,

"Go back Eleanor, you have a home now and you should act like a married woman. Leave this instant!"

I flipped my head to the side, wanting to be sure my ear wasn't playing mind tricks on me. This didn't sound like my father, the man who had sheltered me from every form of evil since I was young, the same one who wouldn't let a pin prick me just because he wanted my skin to be porcelain, the one who granted me whatever I wanted, where has it all gone wrong?

"Father, this…is me ... .your pearl, mother, please, I can't go back there" I shook my head, goosebumps filled my skin when I thought of what I would go through if I went back there,

"Gosh, father please, don't act this way to me, I am your daughter, I am Eleanor, your daughter, please…" I was at teter end, everything was falling apart for me, and the only ones I wanted were here, They shouldn't give up on me either,

"I, Alpha Bernard of Auburn pack, announce today that anyone who allows Princess Eleanor into this pack next time will be banished" The words extinguished whatever hope I was having,

My mouth widened in shock as my legs gave way and I sank to the ground, my lips quivered as I tried to muster up the right words to say but I couldn't, I was broken and dejected,

"Father" I whimpered in pain, my chest hurt and Kira kept on wailing, she was in pain just like I was,

"You cannot do this, You sold me off without an explanation, and now you are cutting me off," I yelled at him with all of my strength,

"I can't breathe in the Lycan king's palace," I took in a sharp intake of breath

"Tears have become my constant food, my heart hitch anytime he wakes in, he fucks me like I am some slut, and all he sees me as is a breeder, so father please, "I begged sincerely, "Take me back"

I watched on in silence, tears cascading down my cheeks as he turned around, his fist clenched, I knew he was finding it hard to come to a decision but why? What was he hiding? Why couldn't he come open to me about it? What was it that he had to send me off like I was some thief?

"I do not feel wanted, his mistress maltreats me, calling me names and…"

" He is your mate" my mother added, " And you are supposed to be by his side at all times, you both will sort things out, for now, leave''

I was disappointed,

"I should leave? This has been my house, where am I supposed to go?"

" Guards!" My father growled, flipping his eyes around, he glanced at me, hatred filled his gaze,

"This should be the last time I set my eyes on her because the next time I do, you all will pay"

I stared on blankly as hands jerked me up and I let them drag me away, I was torn and broken as I was taken away and shoved into the car I had come in,

" Take her away," one of the guards instructed, shoving Dollar bills into the cab driver's hands, cupping my face, I placed my head on my knees. Everything was gone and I had no hope anymore. My heart flipped when I was tugged by hands immediately I stepped out of the car,

"You are dead meat'' Phoebe whispered to me, a wide smile on her face.

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